IPT Ed Tec


I was the co-designer of an Open Badge system for an undergraduate course on technology integration in secondary education. After the initial launch, I led a team of undergraduate and graduate students who served as Instructional Design Assistants (IDAs). This team developed additional badges to provide more options for learners. The original version of the badge system can be found at IptEdTec.org. An updated version can be found at BadgeSchool.org.

The design and development of this badge system, including a detailed look at how we employed (IDAs), and how employers valued open badges generally was the subject of these three articles:

Randall, D. L., & West, R.E. (under review). Who cares about digital badges? An examination of employers’ perceptions of the usefulness of Open Badges.

Randall, D. L., Farmer, T., & West, R.E. (under review). Scaling an Open Badge system with undergraduate Instructional Design Assistants.

Randall, D. L., Harrison, J. B., & West, R.E. (2013). Giving credit where credit is due: Designing Open Badges for a technology integration course. TechTrends, 57(6), 88-95. doi: 10.1007/s11528-013-0706-5

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